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Who I Am

Stefano Robiglio / Who I Am
Stefano Robiglio

I am constantly looking for fusion elements between the past and the present.
Each of my works is unique and unrepeatable and is born under the constant blows of the hammer in the brief moments when the glowing metal allows itself to be shaped.

who I am

Having always been fascinated by metal forging, with passion, dedication and in a completely self-taught way, I embarked on my path as a wrought iron artist, which allowed me to quickly move from more handcrafted productions, such as gates and railings to furnishing accessories, to true works of art.

In a virtual society like the one we live in today, I strongly believe in the close relationship between crafts and art, which allows me to rediscover and elevate the human dimension and all that man is able to create with his own hands.
Shaping a seemingly helpless raw material is a gesture that has deep roots in history: the heat of fire and the energy of skilled hands transform the elements until they become art, an art derived from the colors of the earth, nature, and the seasons, but also from the emotions and creativity of the artist, who is the first to be able to see shapes and figures where others see only inert materials.
The attraction to wrought iron is something that is inextricably passionate, compelling one to touch the wrought piece to feel with one’s hands the rough feel left by the hammering, finding the joints, the nails, the rivets, the boils.

Over the past few years I have participated:

Monte Carlo Biennial of Art, 2018 edition
At the spring edition of ArtParma Fair in 2019,
Malinpensa Gallery in Turin, where I did a group show with 4 other artists, in 2019
Exhibition at the Angelica Library in Rome, in 2019
Art Innsbruk, at the Malinpensa booth, in 2020

they say about me

While remaining tied to a traditional figuration, the sculptural works of artist Stefano Robiglio, project themselves into a modern perspective of innovative volumetric play and skillful setting where the completely autonomous narrative acquires symbolic power and disruptive renewing force of matter.

The sculptures are constructed with knowledge of the material, singular commitment and artistic skill charged with experimentation. The technique of wrought and pulsed arc-welded iron is worked and made, by Robiglio, responsibly and with expressive quality. He, with a relentless balance of matter and a remarkable synthesis of technique, severely calibrates solids and voids and skillfully calculates the relationship between form and space.

The hardest of metals, which is iron, invades the scene with a succession of visual and content results of particular communicative factor that tell us recurring emotions.

The human element animates his sculptural iter of interiority, vitality and deep sincerity for an evident psychological investigation; it is a heartfelt and original art, Robiglio’s, which is expressed with manual competence and gives maturity to his work for a stylistic language of remarkable reading and true feeling.

Each of his sculptures has its own personality, both technical and ideological, where the artist gives soul and life; it is an important creative dimension, the one that runs through Stefano Robiglio’s iter, which highlights an ever-changing composition of materials.


Villeto Region 2, Mink (AL) – ITALY

+39 333 948 2444

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